Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Daniel Murrieta
From: Daniel Murrieta

Nov. 01, 2022


 November 1, 2022

 Thank you very much for proposing a change in the reporting frequency for short selling, and for setting it up to actually be meaningful.  I strongly support the reporting time frame of 15 minutes.  Businesses will object, possibly saying this is unreasonable from a technical standpoint, but that is not true.  Neither is true if they should say this data isnt necessary or its overreach.
This data is absolutely necessary to fight against fraud through public transparency.  These organizations have massive funding to accomplish the technical requirements and to say its overreach is like a car manufacturer saying it costs too much to implement safety features.  The manufacturers of the financial system have gotten away for years profiting off of loopholes and weak points at the cost of the safety of the honest investor.
Please, do not implement this rule without including ETFs.  This needs to be here else, it may be rather easy to dance around this new rule.
Please, continue bringing new rules like this that benefit and protect the honest investor.