Subject: Reporting of Securities Loans (File No. S7-18-21)
From: Sam Hefer

Oct. 30, 2022


Dear Secretary Countryman:

I am writing in strong support of rule 10c-1, “Reporting of Securities Loans”. 

As an overseas individual investor who is investing in US securities, the rule change supports individuals, such as myself, confidence in your markets.  It is a very well-known fact that the US securities market rules currently favour institutional investors over individual ones, which in fact, make it very easy for Market Makers and Hedge Funds to abuse the market with practices such as PFOF and abusive short selling. These practices have turned the financial markets in the US into a casino where "the house always wins" instead of a market where I can support businesses that I believe in and reap the rewards for my contribution to helping companies deliver great products and services and boosting innovation. 

Seeing a lot of support from the SEC and others for making the financial markets more transparent and fair gives me confidence that I will be more comfortable and confident in investing much more money into the stock market in the future. 


A Concerned Investor