Subject: S7-18-21: WebForm Comments from Casey Wilson
From: Casey Wilson
Affiliation: RN

Aug. 16, 2022

August 16, 2022

 I fully support transaction by transaction reporting leading to better transparency in the market.  The 15 minute requirement is vital to transparency. Many companies need protection from manipulation and this rule will allow them the ability to fairly defend themselves.  Retail will also have a benefit from this increased transparency.  If funds are allowed to short companies in the dark, my ability as a retail investor to make financial decisions is impaired.  Retail can and has been a watchdog for the SEC, increasing compliance while offsetting cost that the SEC would have to have incurred in order to be aware of the issues.  Additionally, securities lending activity can hide massively destructive chains of obligation that can even be a threat to national security, and so transparency in this area is more important than it has ever been.