Subject: File No. S7-17-22
From: Frederick Taubert

Jun. 10, 2022

Please, it is not the charge/job of the SEC to impose, what maybe, huge costs on Companies that supply/build food, Fuel, housing, roads, schools travel and leisure, adinfinitum. 
The consumer pays all costs that Corporations are burden with. 
As usual, any new Govt Rule, or regulation effects the poor and middle class the most, as costs rise for no good reason.
Every breath we take effects the environment and life is full of social/Governance issues , but the SEC should not have to get involved in such matters.
Certainly it is not the job of the free market Corporation’s to get involved in any way in such matter ,as this proposed regulation might load on them. 
I know it is not your charge, but American’s are put out of work, as these rules and regulation mount up.
If these issue need to be, let the Congress pass the laws, as the SEC is not the place.

Frederick Taubert