Subject: S7-17-22: WebForm Comments from Carol Willson
From: Carol Willson
Affiliation: retired Farm Wife

May. 31, 2022

-Our  family  farms  in  northwest  Ohio
Fulton  County.  It  was  brought  to our  attention  that  the SEC is proposing  extensive  requirements for public  companies to report  on Scope  3  emissions.  Doesn't  sound  like  it  would affect  farmers but it does.
We purchase  diesel  fuel  from  public  traded companies,  we  purchase  fertilizer  and  herbicides  from  public  traded companies, we  sell our grain to public traded  companies.  This  new  rule  would  require
farmers  to disclose  and track  day to day
activities and the business  we do  with  public traded companies.  We don't  have the resources  or time  to do  this. We  are a  family  run business.
Why  put more burdens  on us.  Farmers   do  not  need to be included  in these  new  regulations. The  American  Farm B ureau  has
done  research  on  these  regulations  and deemed it  an unfair  and  harsh burden  on  family farms.  These  regulations  are intended for  Wall  Street  Companies  not family farms.  This  is  an  example  of overreach by the SEC.  Please  reconsider  and  interview   farmers  on the cost  and burden  of  complying.