Subject: S7-16-22: WebForm Comments from Curtis Robinson
From: Curtis Robinson

Jun. 01, 2022

June 1, 2022

 I think it's past time to hold these corporations accountable. Stop letting them decide the rules and actually do your job at the SEC by enforcing them. These corporations think they know too much. Please do your best to clearly define your regulations and enforce them. By Clearing up these \"loose\" definitions and modernizing the rule I hope you will actually have the ability to enforce. currently I am not sure the SEC is doing anything. Are you all at work? Can you try harder to protect and represent retail traders? Why do funds need the ability to depart from a Funds 80 percent Investment Policy? I like that the proposed rule seem to further enforce record keeping. But the finance system is the worst at having two sets of records. The public and backroom books. Please ensure you at the SEC and the funds producing these documents are not keeping relevant information from retail traders and the SEC.