Subject: File No. S7-16-18
From: Anonymous

Oct. 17, 2018

To the SEC: 

I am writing in regard to the SEC's Proposed Amendments to the Whistleblower Program Rules, Release Number 34-83557, File Number S7-16-18. 

The newly proposed amendments create the opportunity for the SEC to use whistleblower information, and then not compensate the whistleblower for his information. 

Information submitted by a whistleblower that is "not already known" to the SEC, can later be used by the SEC in an investigation. Then, during the SEC award process, the SEC can declare the whistleblower information to be "readily apparent", even if THE SEC DID NOT ALREADY KNOW IT. 

In this way, the SEC created a way to steal a whistleblower's information, that the SEC did not already know, use that information in an SEC investigation, and later dodge the payment of an SEC whistleblower award. 

The SEC's tortured logic on this issue, as outlined in many other comment letters, and parallel efforts to hobble large whistleblower awards, demonstrates this effort to steal a whistleblower's information is intentional, and that the SEC, in fact, set out from the start to design a new rule to allow themselves to steal whistleblower information. 

