Subject: S7-15-23: Webform Comments from paul fail
From: Paul Fail
Affiliation: wistle blower /investor

Sep. 14, 2023

i have been locked ouit of my portfolios and my securitys
torn apart along with my efts/ crypto/ hedge funds / equitys. bonds
trusts/ all of them i have or had 170 curancys 7 metals nasdaq 500
/100/and 50 investments in american/ vangared fidelity im 5% share
holder in fidelity and several other companys . i also am master
partner in blockchain partner platform. most all problems in salt lake
city with fraud as far as anything to do with crypto is me i called
you guys the sec . i have so many things being stoillen and no one is
listening ive had a list of all the insuranvce companys in the united
statews doing buisness with the loyds syndicate . ip and host adresses
remotly being used to my acounts and 12 other countrys involved and
you still wont listen all banks in utah will not help me or any
atournys at all i need justice . you need justice trace my findings
and acusations you wont be sorry .. local syndicates and comunitys are
involve as well as the city officails were i live help please.