Subject: File No. S7-15-10
From: Joseph H McGinn, Jr., CFP
Affiliation: Member of the board of Financial Planners of Rhode Island

November 2, 2010

I have been a finacial advisor for almost 20 years. Transparency is the key. Let investors make the choice that fits their needs. The whole point of the financial planning process is to tailor plan to each individual. If consumers who choose a financial professional were only have the choice of Class A or Class B, I could provide endless scenarios where the client is not served well. Secondly, our firm minumum for our Registered Investment Advisor program is $500,000 in total assets. By changing the 12-b option that allows Class C shares you will eliminate a viable option for investors with less net worth. Lastly, If I do not add value to the client relationship they can simply move their account. Do not change the class C option or 12b-1 for consumers. Give them a choice.