Subject: File No. S7-13-20
From: Ross Youngs
Affiliation: Entrepreneur

July 19, 2021

My Comments are as follows-

As a serial entrepreneur who was on the INC. 500 list for five times previously, and named the SBA Nation's Businessperson of the Year in 1998 I strongly support a finders exemption and the tier definitions as described in the proposed rules.

Small businesses are greatly handicapped and need finder / supporters who can help and be compensated without subjecting the small business to upfront and outrageous fees for an introduction to an accredited investor that may never result in an investment.

Creating an exemption that would allow compensation that is non-exclusive to a single finder and performance / results based outcomes will substantially assist small business growth opportunities.

I totally agree these efforts should be allowed only with accredited investors and should be limited to introductions of known investors. Blanket (rule-bound) broadcasting has already been covered with regulation CF.

Thank You,

Ross O. Youngs, Serial Entrepreneur and Inventor