Subject: S7-13-20
From: Dan Mueller

Aug. 09, 2022

Hello SEC, 

The October 2020 Finder’s Exemption Proposal is a true example of what the SEC "can" get right, and stands testament to the JOBS ACT and Reg-CF / related enactments by which the SEC "did good" for US Business Owners and those who support them rather than merely serving wealthy special interest groups.   

Comments such as from "Jeanette Stewart" stating "I am the CEO of a broker dealer with approximately 40 registered representatives and am submitting this comment to register my strong opposition both to the proposed finder’s exemption and to the proposed codifying of the M&A broker no action letter..." is self serving toward their specific business interest at the expense of the greater United States business community.  Why must the business owners of this nation continue to be held hostage by wealthy special interest groups?  Such is the hallmark of critical pain points in this country. 

I helped fight for the JOBS ACT (more specifically, REG-CF) since inception, including visits to the White House and meetings with advisors to the POTUS on business and economics, and though it took many years, we collectively saw it through.  Such has provided tremendous success for both the US business community, as well as those who wish to support them.  It is in this spirit that I will continue to fight for the rights of both US Business owners, and those who wish to support them in aggregate, not just special interest entities.  I implore the SEC to end their commitments to wealthy special interests groups and instead favor supporting US Business owners and those who wish to support them - for the greater overall health of the US and its business entities at large. 

Dan Mueller 
