Subject: File Number 265-32
From: Keith Moorhouse

Apr. 30, 2021

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My experience with helping generate new businesses and helping small businesses grow came from being an RIA for 16 years. 
I did my first private placement investment in 2004. I now run a small angel/venture capital type of fund.
The biggest hurdle to my fund’s success has been raising capital. This is an area I do not excel in. Managing small companies and helping them grow is my wheelhouse. 
To be able to pay by commission a person who would make introductions to potential investors would be very beneficial to my fund. Broker Dealers will not look at a small fund. Not enough money to be made.
The new rule proposals I have seen would be of big help. Even if I would be able to hire on a commission basis a person  through the fund to make introductions without the full proposed rules would help. Funds would be responsible for these persons actions and we could forgo all the months to years of red tape. I need this help now. I was an RIA. I know how this finder person should act.
Thank you for your time ,
Keith Moorhouse