Subject: Re: Conflicts of Interest Associated with the Use of Predictive Data Analytics by Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisers (File No. S7-12-23)
From: Dennis Wilson

Aug. 8, 2023

To whom it may concern:

I fully support this proposal and its amendment regarding reporting. I would like to see two things changed. 

1) Even when the application is not being used directly with INVESTORS the DATA that it has received may still be used or available which does not eliminate the total area of vulnerability. Please do not provide the loophole of "when interacting with investors" as it is subjective at best. If AI is being used by institutions, the institution should fall under this regulation. 
2) penalties need to be included that are designed to prevent violations and foster compliance (license revocation?) . That being said, I do not agree with or support the use of PDA technology by institutions, as it creates an unfair competitive and manipulative advantage over the market and other market participants. 

Thus the commissions sole focus should be outlawing and eliminating its use in our markets as it is impossible with its application to ensure free and fair markets. I do not trust institutions to "accurately report" currently. We as of 7/27/23 STILL do not have access to SWAP data. 

The market is currently neither fair nor free and allowing PDA utilization astronomically skews the market playing field in favor of the institutions.

Vivek Wilson