Subject: File No. S7-12-22
From: Andrew Robison
Affiliation: Individual Investor

April 8, 2022

the idea that 'regular business' is currently somehow lacking so much oversight and then referring them to follow the rules of an SRO is ironic at best.

how can anyone expect rules to be followed or even acknowledged when those being regulated get to make up the rules as they go. they will only benefit the rule maker who would not be opposed to a monetary fine in the case that they should break their own rules, as that's just a part of 'regular business' for such institutions.

the federal reserve and the 23 direct market makers that operate markets worldwide are responsible for making and following their own rules. these rules have become so convoluted and complex that it has taken me every day for 480 days to decipher this fraudulent market. propped up by constantly absorbing more and more banks for their liquidity just to lost it in the derivatives market which is wildly out of control.

these markets have robbed the investors of not only their retirements and savings, but their time and energy more importantly. just to be told that they're not going to be able to retire or even enjoy some small amount of time without fear or worry about monetary issues.

poverty has been a weapon and the financial markets is the vehicle on which it delivers punishment. none of these rules will mean anything to those who don't follow the rules in the first place as the enforcement for their crimes is just 'regular business' and will have literally no impact on continuity.

it's embarassing we rely on the sole discretion of those willing to lie for the truth.