Subject: File Number S7-12-21
From: David Rapp

Dec. 16, 2021

Being Elementary to the Financial System Operations, because My Ownership was Concealed from Me.. As an Entity/Owner, who Trusted in the System. I Trusted that there was Oversight by the SEC, to Eliminate Corruption and Theft, Using the Rules and Regulations, Implemented by Owners and Advisors, thru Trust, Professionalism and Honor.

To allow Rules to be Accepted, to create and permit a False System, to Hide Information, Thru Expungement, by Members who Manipulate our System, for the benefit of Actors, Other than the Human, who is the Entity/Owner, to create Corporations for Themselves, is Called Theft By Diception.. in the Judicial System, it’s Still Called Theft..
My Ownership was Controlled by Another, instead of being Controlled by the Actual Owner “Myself”. This Rule Recommendation, is well Overdue. To allow someone, other than the Owner to Act as the Owner, is Identity Theft in the Judicial System.
Concealing the Entity/Owner, of Funds and Firms that they Own, by Manipulation of Statements, by Advisors, that Investors By Law, are mandated that they Need to Trust, should be an Unbreakable Bond. Investigations, by the SEC, to have 100% Knowledge that Owns the Funds Invested.
Ownership and Holdings , to take Ownership for Financial Gain, to Use Capital Gains or Dividend Earnings by transferring ownerships into accounts the entity/Owner does not own, the use of Shares, stocks, funds to Vote for Rules to manipulate ownership for the benefit for someone other than the Investors, who the Market is for, should Not be Created and Implements into Rule, Ever. of Funds and Firms, without Approval, Using deceit and Deception, Manipulation, theft and Conflict, of My Public Company, without my Knowledge or Approval of that Actual Entity/Owner, Thru Deception or Corrupt Acts, by Employees, Executives or Governing Boards, of the Companies that the Entity/Owner Factually and physically Owns, should be the Final Decision Maker for the Operation within their Corporation.

David A Rapp