Subject: Comments for File Number S7-12-11

May 26, 2011

No exectutive of any corporation should receive bonusus of any type including, but not limited to cash, stock or stock options in a year which the company does not turn a profit.

No executieve of an corporation should receive a bonus of any type inclunding but but not limieted to cash, stock or stock options in any year in which benefits or pay for the employees are decreased.

No executive should receive a pay raise under the cricumstaces described above.

No executive should receive a pay increase or bonus as described above in any year in which such corporation has received any "bailout" money from the federal government, Ie: the taxpayers.

These are the absolute minimum requirements for bonuses and raises for corporate exectives.

Sincerely, Marcella Ferguosn

Marcella Ferguson

Houston, TX