Subject: File No. S7-12-11
From: Dave Kisor

May 25, 2011

Things have been going down the toilet since before the Reagan debacle, where they solved their employment problem with smoke and mirrors by adding the Military to the Labor Department numbers.  The exact same number were employed, but now one cohort was counted differently.  Did it solve anything?  No, but it made them look good until someone looked into what they had done, but by that time the American sheeple had already forgotten.
With all of our jobs going to China and so much of what we purchase of questionable quality, if we didn’t have such mind numbing drivel like “American Idol,” the sheeple might see they have been shafted royally, but since they occupy their time with such hogwash, anything like a revolution is out of the question, as they couldn’t leave their idiot boxes long enough.
Our damn economy is a disaster, but how does our feral government fix the problem?  They throw billions of our tax dollars at millionaires, while those who need the money are watching in utter disbelief.  Especially at where it states, “we the corporations masquerading as people….”, in order to donate way too much money to get what we want and screw those little creatures who call themselves people who aren’t corporations.
Economists don’t look any farther than the top level of the economy, probably because they know it’s crappy below that.  Several daze before the last quagmire, led by Bernie Madoff, some Economist claimed our economy was robust.  That was like the time a friend of my parents was diagnosed as healthy and died several daze later of malnutrition.  I’m a Naval Veteran and retired from the Forest Service, but sometimes I believe those who head up our government have their heads up their asses so far they need a viewing port in their abdominal cavity.  Damnbankers (Southern style, all one word) appear to have control of the Treasure Department and that miserable so called Federal Reserve is a major joke, as it takes advantage of our air standard, since our currency is based on air.  Dissolve the Federal Reserve, as it’s just a bankers club.
It wasn’t just the housing bubble, but an accumulation of so many decades.  One really faulty economic indicator is employment.  Once your check runs out, you are no longer counted, whether or not you have a job, so when it happens to a lot of jobless at once, the joke is a rosy economic outlook.
It takes a while for an economy to collapse, but every time something happens, it is viewed as totally dissociated from the string of events and generally blamed on the previous administration, as it’s easier and cheaper to point  fingers than it is to solve a problem.  The economy is like a sink hole, which starts from the bottom and gradually works its way to the top.  It can get to a point where it forms a subsurface doline sink, and if the sink is near or on someone’s property, it usually gets filled in.  There was one by my Parents condo in Florida on a street and someday the sinkhole will continue to erode away the underneath and swallow cars.
When a sinkhole reaches the surface, the part you see is generally smaller then the column underneath, making it capable of eating an entire house or even a car dealership.  That has happened, so what you can’t see can hurt you.  We have an economic sinkhole and all our government seems capable of doing to fix anything (that’s laughable) is throw all of our money at the most undeserving.  We’re told the wealthy create jobs, but they didn’t get that way by being generous.  We owe China way too  much money and someday they’ll come over here, foreclose on our mortgage and throw the residents out of their country, as what was the US will be just another province of China. Borrow more from them and they won’t have to fire a shot.  Hope the 3 Gorges Dam collapses before that.


Dave Kisor

Pahoa, HI