Subject: File No. S7-12-11
From: Karen Stefanski-Pascale

May 19, 2011

I’m writing because my family and I were affected by the economic collapse of 2008, and we don’t want it to happen again.I would like to add that NO ONE being held accountable for the near toal collaspe of the world economy and the man made great Recession is appalling! In my opinion is marginalizes the crimes and our government in a time when corruption is killing our United Staes of America..they need to be brought to justice and punished! This is what we expect from our government! This is the single thing you should do!! And to do nothing is a huge blight on the USA!!!

One way to change the incentives so Wall Street doesn’t collapse our economy again would be for regulators to set up a way for shareholders to grab back ill-gotten gains.

If it turns out that the profits in a given year were built on shoddy practices that become clear in the out-years, those bonus payments should be forfeited.

Thank you for considering my comment,

karen stefanski-pascale