Subject: File No. S7-12-10
From: Arthur E Kieran
Affiliation: Individual Investor

June 17, 2010

I suggest that in addition to showing the Target date funds allocation of assets on the Target date as one of the first items in the Fund description, add the following:

The allocation as of the current year
and, in addition show:
either the proposed allocation 10 years after the Target Date, plus 20 years after the target date.
Show a graph as mentioned in the SEC proposal.

Investors who read and research carefully would probably prefer the graph.
But, those who (sadly) simply glance at printed material looking for the high points might be better informed by being shown a few distinct data points.
1- Current allocation
2- Allocation at Target Date
3- Allocation at Target Date plus 10 years
4- Allocation at Target Date plus 20 years.