Subject: File No. S7-12-06
From: Kenneth Thomas
Affiliation: Engineer, Pacific Missile Range

June 18, 2007

I'm pissed and not going to beat around the bush. I'm getting tired of this crap from you people. You better get it right.
ENFORCE THE LAW already on the books for close out requirement of T+13. It has already been stated by the Div. of Market Regulation that T+13 is a very long time. Just enforce the damned close out law for once. There are companies on the threshold list that have been there for over a YEAR. Enforce the damned law.
Get rid of the Options Market Maker exemption. What the hell is the matter with you people? Its a license to manipulate the price of stocks which the MM's do all the time. Put a stop to it.
Short selling is not a "National Treasure". It is an investment method. Why in the hell do you protect it with your last breath ? Short sellers aren't some sort of GOD they are just betting and often times insuring that a stock price goes down. Why do you protect the short position against the feared "short squeeze" when a good part of the very reason the stock is low is because naked short selling with the help of the MM's got it there. What about the protecting the invester from the naked shorting with the same amount of enthusiasm ?
In short - enforce the laws for Christs sake and get rid of the damned MM exemption.
I'm getting tired of this crap from you people. You better get it right.