Subject: File No. S7-11-15
From: Mark K Robinson, Jr

July 13, 2015

This is the most crooked market I've ever seen, I've been investing / losing for some 30 years, and I'm getting near fed up with institutional fraud/extortion. Stocks that are near wholly owned by insiders and institutions that pop overnight to squeeze the short interest (if you won't police markets, don't allow short selling). They collude to jack the price shoveling shares back and forth in a zero sum game with the express purpose of forcing the short sellers to cover at their manufactured prices. You're organization is pathetic...I expect you know very well what's happening. The SEC is worse than the crooks, giving the illusion of enforcement while they turn a blind eye to the crooks. I'm not talking about the penny ante Martha Stewarts who made a little money trading on news, I'm talking fraud and extortion on the order of 100s of billions/trillions.

Today ANAC went through the roof on "positive" study results. Why don't you have the current institutional/insider owners (100% of he float), quit playing with themselves for a couple hours, shoveling shares back and forth...and see what happens to the bid.