Subject: File No. S7-11-13
From: Robert Kisel
Affiliation: Small Business Owner

March 18, 2014

Thanks for your effort and good work.
We must come up with a way so the average person can invest in themselves and other "average" people who are trying to better themselves and the lives of others through business creation.

As the laws stand, only the very, very well off ( accredited/ a net worth of a million) can invest. The rich get richer by investing. We the little people can't take part. That's just plain wrong.

The JOBS Act must be finished. Of course there must be safety provisions, the 5% Max of income rule for the average folks is at least a starting place. Do it for a 2-3 year trial period and revisit quarterly to check progress and pitfalls.

Increase the penalty for security fraud by 10x. If the tolerance for stealing and hurting other people is such that the cost/benefit is no big deal, OF COURSE people of poor character and poor life circumstance will steal from other people, make it so they are really fined, really ostracized at a few different levels, so this behavior and thought process of stealing from people is removed from our society.

Regulation A+ seems like a winner, and/or some way to raise funds nationwide without having to work with every states regulatory machine ... there must be a way

When Ben Franklin was working with the group on the task of creating our Independance and way of self governance, he said something to the affect to his peers: I'm not sure what we've created is the very best, but it is much better than nothing, and spending more time and resources trying to create something that will work 100% for Everybody seems like an ill advised path. Compromise - it can work

We Need Jobs, LOTS OF JOBS, they create more money for ALL and give people hope, meaning and direction. Please try your best to make this happen. There will always be some " downside " but try something with a trial period. Action is needed.

Thank You Very Much and God Bless You and Yours.
Best Regards, Rock On and have a Super Duper Day.
Bob Kisel