Subject: File No. S7-11-13
From: Akbert P. Kretz, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Founder/Manager

March 11, 2014

Please, Please Leave the A+ alone. I can not afford to register in all 50 States.

I am developing a next-generation, Continuous Glucose monitor, leading to an Artificial Pancreas and NEED Title III and Title IV, of the J.O.B.S. Act to help funds this significant technology.

See YouTube and search for 'Best-in-Class Glucose monitor' to learn more.

Again, please HELP all start-ups by Lessening the burden.

You are not protecting Mom Pop - see: Bernie Madoff et al.
and the many, many Casinos, race tracks, and the Stock market's inside traders - that's where the real protection is needed.

Respectively submitted,

Akbert P. Kretz, Ph.D., MBA