Subject: File No. S7-10-22
Letter Type I

Dear Commissioner Gary Gensler,

As a 4th generation family farmer, I am writing to submit comments to the Securities and Exchange Commission's proposed rule on the Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. I feel that this current political atmosphere has become to comfortable with it's food security and takes for granted the hard work behind the scenes! I have said for a few years now the current issues we are seeing is because we have become too comfortable and are not hungry enough. Giving climate scores/taxes are just another was to worsen the current overreach of power that seems to be running rampant in this country.

The proposed rule is an example of overreach by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Farmers and ranchers like me are already heavily regulated by multiple agencies at the local, state and the federal level.

The proposed rule's focus on the value chain for climate-related risks and impacts under Scope 3 means the start of the value chain, like farms and ranches, will face a disproportionate burden in having to provide unknown costs.

Farmers play a leading role in climate sustainability. It is the job of elected lawmakers, not unelected regulators at the SEC, to adopt policies related to farms and ranches.

I urge you to stay within your jurisdiction.
