Subject: The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors (File No. S7-10-22)
Letter Type AM

Secretary, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Vanessa Countryman,

I’m very concerned about how climate change will harm my ability and future generations’ ability to save for retirement, which is why I strongly support more standardized, mandatory information about companies’ climate-related financial risks, their contributions to climate change, and their plans for remaining solvent in a low-carbon economy.

Investors, especially working people like nurses, teachers, and firefighters who have retirement plans like a 401K, pension, or IRA, need information to make informed investment decisions to assess risks, protect their savings, and know whether or not their life savings are being invested in the biggest polluters on the planet.

I urge the SEC to include mandatory reporting of Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions in disclosures in its final climate disclosure rule (File Number S7-10-22) . If the level of disclosure remains inadequate, working people saving for retirement will not be protected from worsening climate financial risks. You have the opportunity -- and the responsibility -- to make these disclosures mandatory.