Subject: S7-10-22: Webform Comments from Mike Hartz
From: Mike Hartz

Oct. 12, 2023

Dear Chair Gensler, 

I am writing to express a strong belief that the final SEC rule
regarding disclosure of emissions, including Scope 1, 2, and 3, is
crucial to giving investors a clear picture of businesses they may
wish to invest in. Many companies tout their climate goals and
achievements in reducing emissions to the public and investors as a
reason for those parties to continue to support the firm, but without
clear disclosure rules that inform both customers and investors of
firms' vulnerabilities and current practices, it is impossible
for consumers and investors to make informed choices. Additionally,
the current system of reporting makes risk projections for firms in
industries that are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate
change (e.g. Agriculture) difficult if not impossible.

Issues like these, where there is a lack of transparency in firms real
risks and behaviors, are where the SEC is obligated and uniquely
placed to make a difference. I strongly urge the Commission to include
the disclosure of Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions as well
as risk assessment posed by climate change for specialized industry.

Mike Hartz