Subject: Comment on S7-10-22
From: Kevin Porter

Sep. 16, 2022

Dear Chair Gensler, 

I am writing to thank you for taking steps to make it easier for investors like me to understand climate risk. 

I am counting on my financial investments providing most of my retirement income that will be needed in a couple of decades. I need a maximum amount of disclosure about emissions to help me determine which investments will have minimal impact on the planet and global climate change so that I can feel secure knowing my choices today will support companies that will be strong in the low-carbon energy future that we must achieve. In order to make smart choices, I want the knowledge to know what companies are working diligently to reduce their Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse emissions. 

Please make it a requirement that all large public companies disclose their Scope 3 emissions. Without this information, I won't be able to tell what companies are likely to continue to be profitable as the economy transitions to clean energy. 

As you look to finalize these rules, I wanted to thank you for doing everything in your power to ensure that investors like me have the information we need to be able to make smart investing decisions for a low-carbon future. I am looking forward to seeing strong greenhouse gas disclosures, inclusive of Scope 3 emissions, in your final ruling later this year. 

Thank you, 

Kevin Porter 
Sacramento, CA