Subject: Comment on S7-10-22
From: Pamela Hastings

Sep. 15, 2022

Dear Chair Gensler,

I am writing to thank you for taking steps to make it easier for investors like me to understand the climate risk to all of us posed by big business.

I am one of the lucky ones, already 75 years old, so I have mostly been able to enjoy a benign climate throughout my life, but I am very concerned about the environment my younger nieces, grand nieces, and nephew and grand nephew will inherit.

They, like me, have had the benefit of good educations and are in an excellent position to understand the threats some businesses pose to our environment for them and their children in turn.

My generation of Baby Boomers thought we were changing the world for the better, but, sadly, the rise of Cutthroat Capitalism since Nixon, Regan, and especially Trump seems to be working for the destruction of all in favor of short-sighted financial benefit for the few.

Please follow and strengthen YOUR job of keeping the people of this country informed about what large corporations are doing so we and our progeny can fight them for the benefit of all living and breathing beings on this planet.

I and your grandchildren will thank you even more,


Pamela Hastings