Subject: Climate Change
From: Andrea Taylor

Sep. 15, 2022


     Like so many people around the world, I feel concern for the state of the planet.  Climate change has been a major issue for forty years I read, and that the planet had been the warmest ever in the years 2016-2020.  It's not that in the past that I didn't keep an eye and ear open for news about climate change, but I wouldn't say I was the best person to sort out the cans from the plastics for the different trash cans.  Over the past two years, I believe it would be, I heard young and old over the television, make it clear how these generations are destroying the planet from the up and coming generations.  This is sad, but very true if this crisis isn't solved for all generations, now and in the future.  This struck a nerve in me when another documentary came on television, and while I was watching and listening, I saw I believe was a junior high student's pain or anger repeating how the planet is going to be destroyed before they have a chance to use it.  They shouldn't have to live this way.  They should be able to grow up naturally and be able to make mistakes, which is part of growing up also.  They most likely are stressed and don't know how to believe in the future as we did growing up.  But I want to help if I can or whatever possible with my solution.  Also I know you will have to run everything by your experts.          My solution is about the use for water to kill fire and smoke.  To do this you would need non-combustible rooms and or containers, water basins and a strong enough vacuum to suck up the smoke.  In the non-combustible room/container you would burn all the trash that we humans throw- away on a weekly basis.  The water basin would obviously be used to take down the fire.  But another basin with water can cause the smoke to go out because the water is obviously heavier than the smoke.  The smoke and it's emission are what we have learned to prevent from entering the atmosphere and ozone layer.  The vacuum part of the solution could pull the smoke into the water basins in a swirling motion to mix with the water.  Or water could drip on the smoke.  I don't know if you would place the water basins on top of the room/containers or side of them.  This part or the fire part could probably be done by the refuse department because they pick up the trash. Or maybe it's meant to be done by someonelse.        The second part of the solution could be dealt with by the sewage department.  I watched a documentary on how sewage is treated before being released into the sea and rivers.  I also heard how algae and forms like it, help filter pollutants from the oceans.  Maybe algae should be grown to take down our trash.  Maybe  it already is.  I'm thinking  this is for the experts.              But then the soot from the burning of the trash would be flushed like human waste or washed down drains.  This is definitely where I'm lost and experts really would know if this could work because I don't know how much the sea or river can handle even if the soot and sewage are pretreated.  Maybe some of the soot can be used in other things.  For example, I heard of repurposing recycled materials for manufacturing.  Or maybe the soot could be made into a water soluble material to be thrown away from the earth when we become overwhelmed if this doesn't work for you.  This shouldn't  contaminate anyone or anything underneath us if there is anything there.  This use of smoke into water could be used for chimney use also.   Place a water basin on top or side of a house. Let the smoke blow through or is pulled by the vacuum into the water basin.  The same could be done for barbacue pits, smokers and maybe car exhaust pipes.  Maybe all then is needed is to empty the dirty water from an aparatus.  I hope this helps.                                                                                                             Thank you, Andrea Taylor