Subject: Comment on S7-10-22
From: Alex Hurlburt

Sep. 15, 2022

Dear Chair Gensler,  

Thank you for trying to implement a system so investors like me can better assess the risks posed by companies contributing to the climate crisis. As an investor, I need to know how companies I invest in are moving forward to reduce their Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse emissions in alignment with the Paris Agreement and prepare for a low-carbon future. Without the rule from the SEC requiring publicly traded companies to disclose material Scope 3 emissions, I won't be able to properly assess which companies will continue to be profitable in this new environment. Many have asked you to require this disclosure for all large public companies and I hope that you will listen not just to the big corporations trying to hide their risks but to regular, young investors like me with deep concerns about our future.   

Thank you for pushing to make sure investors have the information they need to make smart choices in their portfolios. In your final ruling, I really hope to see you include strong carbon emission disclosures. Our wallets and the liveability of the world as we know it depend on it.  

Thank you, 
Alexander Hurlburt