Subject: Comment on S7-10-22
From: Rus Postel

Sep. 16, 2022

Secretary Gensler: 
I am concerned that the proposed rule will not provide adequate information to investors. My wife and I have our retirement savings primarily invested in stocks and mutual funds. Of course we rely on dividends and increasing value of our investments, but we are not "only in it for the money". We realize that our generation, and really everyone alive now, is obliged to live in such a way as to allow future generations to live well in a healthy environment. 
At this time it seems our activities are lowering the probability of that outcome and even lowering the quality of life right now! 
I realize that modern industry has made our amazing way of life possible, but it has come at a big price. Sadly those profiting find it in their interests to keep the public, and even their own investors uninformed about Environmental, Social, and worker related (ESG) issues. 
WeWant to know which companies are causing GHG emissions, which ones are working to lessen their impact and which aren't. Its not only climate change. Some companies create pollution that damages or even poisons their neighbors (and sometimes quite distant neighbors). I don't want to benefit from such investments. 
So you see, we need information about GHG emissions and other pollution in order to invest wisely, protect our 'nest-egg', and protect our children, grandchildren and future generations. 
This is an extremely serious situation, and if the SEC allows industry lobbyists and million- and billionaires to influence regulation and rules and limit information investors need you will be doing a cruel disservice to not just American investors but also everyone alive now and future generations! 
Please do the right thing. 
Rus & Julie Postel 
San Rafael 