Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from League of Conservation Voters
From: League of Conservation Voters

Jul. 26, 2022

July 26, 2022

 I support the League of Conservation Voters and your agencys historic new climate disclosure rule requiring Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors.

Climate catastrophe must be averted it is the existential threat to us and therefore our economy. Financial risks posed by climate crisis to investors, other market participants and the economy are real, well documented and must be squarely dealt with posthaste

Ignoring climate crises puts us all at greater more costly risk every moment that ticks by without action. Business and jobs are at risk of doom. This is the right step to provide investors and other market participants with clear, consistent, and comprehensive information so they can make informed investment decisions.

Shareholders deserve full understanding and protection from the extremely concerning increase climate-related risks of the companies they are investing in.