Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Ted White

Jun. 17, 2022

To Whom It May Concern,
This is a comment on the proposed rule The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
This rule in its entirety should not be promulgated.  I have been an environmental consultant since 1987 (35 years) focused on air quality issues.
There is no such thing as man-made climate effects.  The science is not ‘settled’ and mankind has no effect on the climate.  In addition, this regulation:
•           Increases government control of USA businesses, both large and small.
•           Creates a corporate “social credit score” (often referred to as “ESG”).  China uses "social credit scores" as a tool to punish those who do not comply with their rules. We do not want them in America. 
•           "Social credit scores" may be used to restrict banking, loans and commerce.
•           SEC has no authority over climate policies and lacks scientific expertise.
•           SEC was created to fight investor fraud.
•           Excessive regulations increase inflation and bloats the Federal bureaucratic swamp.
•           Activist investors will punish companies not "green" enough by decreasing investment in oil, gas and coal companies that power the economy.
Thank you.
Ted S. White