Subject: I support S7-10-22, The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
From: Stephen Padgett

Jun. 17, 2022

Dear Secretary Vanessa Countryman,

Climate related risks, especially in energy and food related industries, need to be brought to the attention of the investors.  The investors need to know more than projections of short term profits.  Also they need to be accurately informed about the longer term health and environmental  impacts of the plans and policies of their particular company.    Corporate executives will tend to leave it up to their stockholder to do their own research.   Such research is outside the scope of the average investor.   This law can make the latest research on these important issues readily accessible to investors who will insist that their companies do the right thing for a sustainable and livable future. 

I support the proposed rules change in S7-10-22. Please implement these changes as soon as possible. 

Stephen Padgett
Norfolk, Virginia