Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Kay WIldt, President NCFRW

Jun. 17, 2022

We, the over 2,000 members of the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women (NCFRW), oppose the proposed SEC Rulemaking in the strongest terms. 

This latest government attempt to control every aspect of our lives is an egregious misuse of federal power. 

The Securities and Exchange Commission was not created to oversee or be involved in climate discussions.  To impose the proposed Rule is meddling where the SEC does not belong. 

We are shocked that a Federal agency would adopt "Social Credit Scoring" or ESGs, a term courtesy of Communist China that has no place, yet, in America.  It is punitive and far outside SEC's founding mandate.  Frankly, it is unAmerican and demonstrates how repressive our own government is willing to be. 

At this sad moment in our history, America teeters on the brink of financial disaster, and any agency attempting to add costs to business is working against the welfare of our citizens.  Sadly those cost increases will harm those least able to bear additional costs. 

We assume that the implementation of this proposed rule will provide employment in the SEC for scientists because at the moment, we believe SEC is not in the business of climate science.  That would be wrong and a misuse of taxpayer funds. 

The NCFRW condemns this proposed SEC Rule. 

Kay WIldt, President NCFRW