Subject: File No. S7-10-22
From: Willa Rapp

Jun. 16, 2022

Ms. Countryman: 

As a resident of Andover, MA, I submit this comment in support of File No. S7-10-22: The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors (the "Proposed Rule").  I believe it is imperative that investors have access to the climate-related financial information of corporations in order that all interested parties may make responsible decisions.  It is sad that those who speak out against the reality of climate change aren't looking to the future.  With disaster just around the bend everyone must have access to all information that will help us to make choices with the health of planet earth paramount in our minds.  One way to help accomplish this is through the proposed climate-related rule.  It is my hope that File No. S7-10-22 be implemented.   

Willa Rapp