Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Sarah Jones
From: Sarah Jones

Jun. 16, 2022

June 16, 2022

 I am writing in opposition to the SEC Climate Disclosure rule.

The SEC has no authority on climate change policies and has no expertise to judge it.  The SEC is supposed to be a financial guardian not an environmental one.

The proposed rule would place an undue burden on companies.  Where will they find the references, models, and expertise to make these evaluations?  What will be the penalty for incorrect assumptions?

If a company chooses to make ESG declarations for itself, let it do so but do not force all others to engage in something outside their expertise.

Burdensome, vague regulation of this type helps no one.  It does open companies up for additional oversight and penalties by an agency with no expertise or mandate to police their filing.

This is a signature overreach and sterling example of unnecessary intrusion.