Subject: Support for S7-10-22
From: Barb Jarmoska

Jun. 15, 2022


Dear Secretary Vanessa Countryman, 
I live on a property my family bought in 1933. It had never been flooded until 2011. 
Then, it flooded again in 2016. Both were called “1,000 year floods”. Problem is, they were only 5 years apart. 

I spent over $70,000 repairing my home. I didn’t previously qualify for flood insurance. I do now! 
Climate risk is financial risk. Investors need transparency from U.S. companies on their greenhouse gas emissions 
and how they're addressing climate risk. By meeting investor demands for disclosure, 
transparent companies will be more competitive, innovative, and visionary. 
This is a critical step to push companies towards sustainable energy economy we MUST create. 

I support the proposed rules change in S7-10-22 and urge you to implement these changes with all haste.  
Barbara Jarmoska