Subject: Release No. 33-11042; File No. S7-10-22
From: David Apatoff

Jun. 14, 2022


I strongly support the proposed rule.  There is no more crucial issue than climate change facing the world, and shareholders should have a right to learn what their companies are doing to contribute to it or prevent it.  Companies that are helping fight climate change deserve my investments, and I'd hate to invest in companies that exacerbate the situation for short term profit. 

When I've tried to get reliable information, my companies give me the runaround, using duplicitous words and concealing what their lobbyists are doing.  The shareholder has no bargaining power.  I belatedly find out from Judd Legum's column or other sources that I've invested in companies that actively mislead me about what they're doing.  Please enact the new rule as proposed.  There is no excuse not to do it. 

Thank you for this rule. 

David Apatoff 
McLean, VA