Subject: The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors (File No. S7-10-22)
From: Tim Haas

Jun. 15, 2022


June 14, 2022 Ms. Vanessa A. Countryman Secretary U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20549 Dear Ms. Countryman: I am writing to express concern and opposition to the proposal that would require companies to provide certain climate information. As many workers and Americans do, I invest in index funds to provide for my retirement. I am relying on the returns from my investments in index funds to get me through my retirement. One of the main reasons I choose to invest in index funds is due to the low costs of these funds. However, if the SEC adopts these amendments, the costs to the companies my index funds invest in will increase. These costs will come out of the returns that shareholders receive. These costs will be very high to produce information that will not make any difference to me nor how I invest. I am going to use my index funds to pay my expenses during retirement. This proposal adds needless costs onto companies and their shareholders that put my ability to support myself and family during retirement at great risk. Please do not adopt this proposal. Sincerely, Tim Haas