Subject: S7-10-22
From: Anonymous

Jun. 15, 2022


The SEC should require stringent rules for companies to detail their climate risk.   

Every business in the universe has climate risk.  Saying there is no climate risk is like saying you don't need to breathe.  It is childish.   

It would be impossible to analyze a company for investment without knowing what risks they face from climate so disclosure should be enhanced and standardized. 
Without enhanced disclosure and standardization, free capital markets would not function which would hurt our economy, cost many people their jobs, and we would all make less money. 
Anyone against enhanced and standardized climate risk disclosures is trying to destroy our economy, take away our freedom and hurt America - just like a terrorist. 

The cost of writing the disclosures will be covered many times over because markets will apply a lower cost of capital due to the enhanced information. 

Anyone who doesn't understand this should not be an elected official in the US as they do not understand capitalism. 

Any company against the disclosures is just trying to drag down their competitors because they aren't willing to work hard and compete so they have to rely on lobbying and corruption. 

In order to save free market capitalism please enhance climate risk disclosures.