Subject: Wildlife and human welfare depend on informed investment (S7-10-22)
From: Nancy Dudney

Jun. 14, 2022

Hello, I’m writing today to express my strong support for the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) proposed rule to require publicly-traded companies to disclose climate-related information (S7-10-22). Climate change is impacting every region of the world, and its effects—including extreme weather and related climate-fueled disasters—are accelerating. Humans and wildlife alike are suffering the consequences of an unstable climate and environmental degradation perpetuated by polluters and false information.

The promise of a stable financial system that can support the American economy is becoming more challenging to ensure, especially while investors and other market actors don’t have all the necessary information to make smart, climate- and community-forward investment decisions. I would like to see a sustainable American market that gives investors and other market actors the choice to support companies that try their best not to harm the environment, and those that actively try to address climate change and related issues.

Other countries are already requiring these types of climate-related disclosures from companies, so it is time for the U.S. to step up and do the same.  My personal attempts to invest toward rapid adoption of net zero carbon technology and policy has revealed the difficulty to separate green washing from companies poised to make substantial progress.  We need transparent information about climate-related investment. Thank you for proposing this rule, and I urge the SEC to finalize it as quickly as possible.

Nancy Dudney