Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Yesenia Chavez
From: Yesenia Chavez

Jun. 16, 2022

June 16, 2022

 Hello, my name is Yesenia Chavez and I'm from Johnstown, Colorado and now living in Washington D.C. I'm involved in environmental policy work and am writing to express my support for the Securities and Exchange Commission's proposed rule. This rule will require publicly-traded companies to disclose climate-related financial risk information (S7-10-22) which is pertinent for preparing and adapting to climate change. Global warming and its effects are impacting every part of the world differently, but the effects of extreme weather and other climate-fueled disasters are becoming more frequent and intense.
This rule could provide information about climate-related financial risks for companies that will need to adapt to the effects of the climate crisis. It is obvious that the economic impact of climate change will be high, but it is clear that the damages would be worse if nothing is done to prevent and mitigate these issues. These events will put pressure on essential supply chains, pose harm to facilities, affect assets and operations, and undermine the ability of business to happen normally. We need transparency on these climate-related investment risks and information so the SEC needs to finalize it as soon as possible.