Subject: S7-10-22: WebForm Comments from Michael Singer
From: Michael Singer
Affiliation: Professor of Ecology

Jun. 16, 2022

June 16, 2022

 I write in strong support of the proposed SEC rule for public companies to disclose climate-related information in a reliable, consistent, and comparable manner. Disclosing this information is critical for enabling markets to respond to climate change risks as they choose. This freedom of choice is fundamentally important for capitalism to operate in service of public will. Only then can the power of individual consumers, investors, and corporations be directed toward their own benefits. If public companies continue to ignore the consequences of their activities on climate change, they will be restricting the freedom of the market to make informed decisions that ultimately affect all of us. The latest IPCC report is very clear that climate change is real, caused by human activities, and is rapidly intensifying because the world's largest economies continue industrial activities that emit more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. If the United States government is truly committed to
  capitalism, individual freedom, and the welfare of its citizens, this SEC rule is an important step toward making good on those commitments.