Subject: ESG regulations
From: Mark Moore

Jun. 14, 2022


I am urging you not to impose onerous regulations on business based on the false premise of man-made climate change. In order to assert that the global temperatures are increasing to dangerous levels because of human activity the climate change community must know what the optimal global temperature is supposed to be. I have never heard what the optimal temperature is from anybody promulgating this folly. 

If the global temperatures are indeed rising (recent data indicates that they are decreasing slightly, rather than increasing), one of the impacts is longer growing seasons and increases in growing opportunities at northern and southern latitudes. How is this catastrophic? 

Carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant. Plants require CO2 to thrive. They convert CO2 to O2, which humans need to thrive. Satellite photos taken over the past 50 years show that the planet is greening. 

Many of those who promulgate this notion were warning of a coming ice age in the 70s. Their solutions to the coming ice age were eerily similar to their solutions for "climate change" today - centralized planning and control. They are not interested in saving the human race or the planet. They want power and control. 

Businesses play a crucial role in prosperity and human thriving. They need to be free to grow and expand to serve their customer base, not be saddled with undo regulations. 

Mark Moore