Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Derek Veneman

Jun. 14, 2022


Dear Commissioner Gary Gensler, 

As I sit here thinking about just sending the pre typed message, I realize no matter what I send it will fall into the bottomless hole that is this bureaucratic abyss. 

I will send you something of my own. 

Farmers and ranchers don't have time for this. Plain and simple. I see too often that many at the rule/law making level think that farmers and ranchers have no level of higher thinking. No regard for their land or the world around them. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, I would say that the reality is quite the opposite. 

Farmers and Ranchers, much like any other business person, wish to maximize profits. In definition this means to look out after their own assets. Which is quite literally the environment. 
Too many times have I been conversating with individuals that have ignorantly accused me of being negligent to my animals or malpractice on my field work. Do they own cows or farm ground? NO. Do they have any idea what they are talking about? NO. 
To them its just a job but to us as framers it is a way of life. 24/7 365 days a year. Not only as a farmer but as a Christian I am called to be a steward of the earth. This means sustainable practices not only on the business end but an environmental standpoint as well. 

I digress, If a county, state or federal agency wishes to test, assess, or score my farming practices then they should do so on their own accord and by due process. Do not burden me or my fellow framer/rancher with some arbitrary means of justifying their job. 

I absolutely oppose this. 

derek veneman