Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: John Jamison

Jun. 15, 2022


File Number S7-10-22 

June 15. 2022

In reading the book “The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self” there is a section on Herbert Marcuse which seemed very similar to the imposition of the SEG score on companies. Marcuse wanted to completely change the purpose of gender and sex. SEG changes a company from its self defined goal to the grand experiment of totally changing society especially the climate. Companies already have enough rules and regulations to live by, please don’t add the SEG to the current burden. 

I depend on the companies that make up our nation as their profitability provides the funds for my annuity which makes my retirement easier. The cost for businesses to comply with this rule would be massive. These costs would be largely passed on and paid for by investors and consumers, causing prices to increase, as well as making it more difficult to save for retirement. 

John Jamison


Grace and Peace 