Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Lisa Hard

Jun. 13, 2022



I oppose the SEC's Climate Disclosure Rule. 

The SEC is charged with fighting investor fraud. It has no authority over climate policies and does not have the scientific expertise to make such policies. 

This Rule would increase the government's control over both large and small US businesses and create a corporate ESG, which could be used to restrict banking, loans, and commerce. Also, activisit investors would punish companies that they consider not "green" enough by reducing investment or not investing at all. 

The Rule would saddle businesses with the extra burden and cost of showing how climate change affects their business, report their greenhouse emissions and those of businesses from which they buy and to whom they sell, and disclose how often their corporate boards talk about climate change. 

These excessive regulations would increase inflation and enlarge the Federal bureaucratic "swamp." 

Please do not support this Rule. 

Thank you. 

Lisa Hard