Subject: File Number S7-10-22 (oppose SEC rule)
From: Angela Christopher

Jun. 13, 2022


Re: File Number S7-10-22 (oppose SEC rule)

Dear Securities and Exchange Commission,

I oppose the SEC's proposed rule regarding climate disclosure (File Number S7-10-22), 
and I urge you to abandon this dangerous rule.
Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) has been used to coerce corporations into adopting leftist policies. The SEC's climate disclosure rule would be an initial step toward implementing ESG on a governmental level.
This is dangerous, not only because of the coercion of public companies, but because those companies might adopt "social credit scores" on their consumers (this would help make their own climate disclosures look better).
The only ones affected by this will be consumers, with higher prices to offset the cost of higher government regulation.
Please do not adopt the SEC climate disclosure rule.

Ms. Angela Christopher 
4404066166 801 E 157TH ST CLEVELAND, OH 44110 Constituent 
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