Subject: File Number S7-10-22
From: Robert Dorsch

Jun. 13, 2022


 I oppose the SEC Climate Disclosure Rules: Increases government control of USA businesses, both large and small. Creates a corporate “social credit score”* (often referred to as “ESG”). 
*China uses "social credit scores" as a tool to punish those who do not comply with their rules. We do not want them in America. "Social credit scores" may be used to restrict banking, loans and commerce. SEC has no authority over climate policies and lacks scientific expertise. SEC was created to fight investor fraud. Excessive regulations increase inflation. Bloats the Federal bureaucratic swamp. Activist investors will punish companies not "green" enough by decreasing investment– i.e. oil, gas and coal companies that power the economy. 

These rules would require businesses to: Show how climate change impacts their business. Report their greenhouse gas emissions and those of businesses they buy and sell from. Disclose how often their corporate boards talk about climate change. 

Peace and all good, 
R.A.Dorsch O.F.S. 
“ Everything in creation is an example, manifestation and illustration of God in space and time (Romans 1:20) 
Be strong, take courage, all you who hope in the Lord! (Ps. 31:25)
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